Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I'm just going to pretend it hasn't been a month

I heart election day. There's just something about being allowed to go and hit the button on the machine (or whatever the machine happens to do). Isn't democracy great? I like to get up early and go, not because I'm worried about lines or anything, but it's a special day and I get excited. I feel like that's kind of dorky. I don't care.

I applied to grad school. I think I'll probably get in, but then I think that I'm being cocky and worry that I won't get in. Because I only applied to the one program... Usually I'm against limiting yourself like that, but there weren't any other programs, except in North Carolina. If this doesn't work out, maybe I'll look at that one again. But probably not for a few years.

I have all of these crafty-type things, and cookbooks, and recipes that I want to try out. I get bogged down by lack of space and I spend my time wishing for a bigger kitchen or more storage where I could better organize papers and yarns and such. Also, cooking for one isn't very much fun. It's much easier to just make spaghetti or whatever when there's no one else to please. I'd like to do something like the butternut squash lasagna again, but I'm uninspired. I have an acorn squash that I need to use, but it's just too much trouble for one person. Maybe tomorrow. 

I think I'm ready for some sort of change, I just can't find the proper location to look for that change. We'll see about the grad school, but I'd also like to change my room around, or maybe be in a different apartment. I like my apartment, but I feel like a new place wouldn't be so bad. This also might say more than I mean it to, but I'd also be really motivated at work if I got a new desk. I can't figure out a better place to put my computer or anything, so it's sort of stuck in a rut. 

I have one more day of work and then my two days off! I'm very excited about these days, though I haven't made any plans yet. If the weather's nice maybe I'll take a walk down by the river and read. I also only have a stretch of 6 days next before 5 days off, and only 1 more stretch of 8 left in the year! Yay for vacation and comp days and saving them for the holidays!

It's probably time to go to bed now. I will do so.

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